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Resources and Tips for Parents of Third Graders
Pasco County Schools aims to ensure that all third-grade students have the necessary reading skills to be successful in grade four and beyond. To be promoted to fourth grade, a student must score a Level 2 or higher in reading on the FSA English Language Arts assessment.
Ten minutes a day of focused independent reading has the potential to change a child’s academic life, and that might, in turn, change their life’s trajectory. From Disruptive Thinking by Beers & Probst, p. 136
Tips for Parents
• Schedule a parent conference to discuss your child’s progress in reading
• Encourage your child to read at home nightly
• Talk with your child about what they read and what they are learning
Percentile Rank: 30 1.8 min. Baseline words read per year: 106,000 Plus 10 minutes per day = 694,889 words per year Percent increase in word exposure: 556% 50 Percentile Rank: 50 4.6 min. Baseline words read per year: 282,000 Plus 10 minutes per day = 895,043 words per year Percent increase in word exposure: 217% 70 Percentile Rank: 70 9.6 min. Baseline words read per year: 622,000 Plus 10 minutes per day = 1,269,917 words per year Percent increase in word exposure: 104% 90 98 Percentile Rank: 90 21.1 min. Baseline words read per year: 1,823,000 Plus 10 minutes per day = 2,686,981 words per year Percent increase in word exposure: 47% Percentile Rank: 98 65 min. Baseline words read per year: 4,358,000 Plus 10 minutes per day = 5,028,462 words per year Percent increase in word exposure: 15% Tips for Parents A look at what happens when only 10 minutes a day is added to a student’s reading.
Resources to support you and your child in developing and practicing reading skills at home
Pasco Schools Third Grade Curriculum Guide
Florida Depatment of Education Read to Learn Document
Pasco Schools Read-At-Home Plan
Section 1008.25(5), Florida Statutes (F.S.), to be promoted to fourth grade, a third-grade student must score a Level 2 or above on the statewide Florida Standards Assessment – English Language Arts (FSA-ELA). Also, a parent of a student in grade 3, who is identied anytime during the year as being at-risk of retention, may request that the school immediately begin collecting portfolio evidence. Adapted from Adams (2006) with baseline data from Anderson, Wilson & Fielding (1988). From Disrupting Thinking by Beers & Probst, p. 137